
Privatisation, the political economic theme of the '80s and '90s, is often discussed in industrial terms. Coal, steel, automobiles, communications, water, and so on. But, I don't hear the term applied to housing. There was a "sell-off" of public housing, but it wasn't spoken of in terms like the sale of our national housing industry. … Continue reading Privatisation

The war machine’s greed

George Monbiot was speaking over Al's shoulder, of the vandals who are wrecking the earth, and spoke of the energy industries, water and other extractive activities. But I didn't hear him name the "war machine", the defense and security industry, the military-industrial complex or the fin-tech infosys sustaining it all. When the masses are happy … Continue reading The war machine’s greed

Ethics and poetry: just a trash bag

I have been re-watching The Good Place and recapitulating reading I did a year or two ago. Warning: suicidality, violence, PTSD Doing bad things and having bad outcomes: selling a cure you know does not work to someone who doesn't need it; phishing attacks on pensions and payments through cold calling, website spoofing, and scam … Continue reading Ethics and poetry: just a trash bag